Oil Painting WorkSHOPs 2024
spring: Oil Painting 26 may – 6 june
Autumn: 13 – 27 October
For those who are interested in a historical approach to oil painting and wish to enhance their technique, expand their vision and would also like to move away from solvents in the studio.
The course follows classical methods: use of tonal underpainting with glazing as in the Renaissance, Baroque method of heightening with white, and Impressionist use of broken brushstroke and prismatic palette. You will also learn the historical method of hand refining organic linseed oil allowing the modern artist to create paint which is flexible, fast drying and sensitive to the brush; impasto areas drying quickly yet thin delicate glazes are easy to obtain.
This workshop will teach the process of hand refining the oil, the use of layering, glazing and impasto application, and it will demonstrate how solvents are eliminated from the painters studio. We will be working on several paintings simultaneously with various approaches and the student will leave with the information necessary to recreate these processes in their own studios.
“The hand-refined oil method has greatly enhanced my enjoyment painting, the brushwork is so luscious, the drying time is greatly reduced, the paint film is much more flexible. Everything about the process is an improvement and the fact that I no longer use solvent is the best aspect.” –Jane Morris Pack
This workshop is designed for those who already have some experience in painting and/or drawing who wish to improve their understanding of procedure and methods that enhance their experience with paint.
Instructor Bio: Jane Pack
Jane Morris Pack was educated in America attending graduate school with a focus on printmaking. She worked in a fine arts foundry, at a display company and as an art teacher before coming to Greece in 1986. She is head of studio arts at the Aegean Center and teaches drawing and painting. Her abiding love is for Renaissance art and the work of Ancient Greece. With her exceptionally curious mind and unrelenting pursuit of knowledge, Jane Morris Pack, has dedicated an extraordinary amount of time and commitment in the research, study and hands-on experimentation to gain a deep actionable understanding of early painting techniques. Her courses in oil painting utilize the fruits of this research.
spring & autumn 2024 | DATES & PRICING
DATES: May 26 - JUNE 9 (15 Days)
Autumn: 13 – 27 October
COST: €3,600 Euro
Price Includes:
Workshop instruction: (5 hours a day, except Sundays)
Occasional evening lectures
Full breakfast every day at a local cafe
Unlimited access to the Center's entire facility
Several shared taverna meals
Transport for scheduled activities
Boat trip day excursion *
*Weather Permitting
Transportation to and from Greece and the Island is NOT included
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