Supply List: Solvent-Free Oil Painting
Pre-stretched and gessoed canvases are available to purchase from the Center at cost.
Oil painting brushes have long handles and natural or synthetic bristles:
Round Oil painting brushes sizes: 2, 6, 8, 12
Square or Flat brush size 18 (roughly 2 inches wide)
Oil Paints
Medium size paint tubes in the following colors:
Titanium White/Zinc white
Ivory Black
Burnt Sienna
Yellow Ochre
Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Umber
Venetian Red
Nickel Azo Yellow (or cadmium yellow)
Cadmium Red(or other true red)
You may bring any additional colors you wish.
Oil Medium
The solvent-free procedure means there is no need for additional mediums. We will supply the linseed oil for the hand refining procedure
We will supply ceramic tile palettes
Additional Supplies
Sketch book
Drawing materials of your choice