figure drawing

DATES: MAY 15 - 29  (15 DAYS)

The ability to draw the human figure has long been held as the benchmark of a competent artist. Drawing the figure well lends confidence and is considered the highest level of drawing skill. As a species we are fascinated by ourselves and learning to draw the figure  informs us about our own nature. As artists we feel compelled to learn more about the secrets of depicting movement and mass of the nude.

In two weeks we can learn an incredible amount about the figure. The skeleton and the muscles will be revealed. The use of perspective, determining eye level, the problems of reclining figures, seeing the form from all directions will be covered. Using the classical Renaissance ideals of constructive drawing we can learn to build up the form from simple geometric shapes, use gestural expressive drawing for movement, negative shape for exactness , and  expressive line for contour. In addition we will use clay to build forms to clarify our thinking and understand the illusion of space that drawing must capture. The portrait will receive special attention.  We will use a variety of materials  from charcoal, conte and pencil to collage and paint. Be prepared for high energy, intense learning and great improvement in seeing and creating.

“Epitectus, the ancient Stoic philosopher said, "It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."  We think we know the human form simply from inhabiting one. But combing geometry, drawing and anatomy reveals hidden knowledge and awareness of our human potential.”

-Jane Morris Pack

Instructor Bio: Jane Pack

Jane Morris Pack was educated in America attending graduate school with a focus on printmaking. She worked in a fine arts foundry, at a display company and as an art teacher before coming to Greece in 1986. She is head of studio arts at the Aegean Center and teaches drawing and painting. Her abiding love is for Renaissance art and the work of Ancient Greece.

Dates & Pricing

Dates: MAY 15 - 29  (15 Days)

Cost: $3,200

Price Includes:

Workshop instruction: (5 hours a day, except Sundays)
Occasional evening lectures
Full breakfast every day at a local cafe

Unlimited access to the Center's entire facility
Several shared taverna meals
Transport for scheduled activities
Boat trip day excursion (meal on neighboring island included)*

*Weather Permitting
Transportation to and from Greece and the Island is not included
